2016 Media
Academic Programming as Coordinator of Experiential Learning at UA & Guest Lectures
2015 Media
2015 Media
2012 - 2014 Media
Over 1,000,000 organic views
Revivogen, The New Frontier
BaldLogo.com features a new client and a new aspect to the charity cause - hair!
250,000 views in 1 month
BaldLogo.com was launched with a bang. Viewers around the world gave thumbs up!
SXSW = Opportunity
The tech festival which launched Twitter provides opportunity for all entrepreneurs.
Recognizing a public servant
Senator Dan Lederman joins in the fight to support children battling Alopecia Areata.
Charity Tribute
Bald Logo involves social entrepreneurship and supporting those in need.
Animation Teaser
Animation features help promote events and creating a buzz.
To the Publicist's Desk
A follow up to a publicist's request for an overview of my TV "fit".
Ami's Challenge
In response to a Frisky.com article for Bald Logo, this humorous video gained fanfare.
Pitching to Backers at Upstart
During the final stretch of my fundraising goal, this video increased investments.
Concept Pitch
This concept pitch was inspired by a cooperative business workshop discussing "hybrid-equity."
Schwartzreich & Associates
Recognizing one of Bald Logo's clients, Schwartzreich & Associates, for their leadership.
The NYC Circuit
What happens during an NYC visit at the height of a viral campaign is worth watching.